Usage instructions

Alkozeron - General features and product details

Form of issue:



10 PCs/pack.


alcoholism treatment

Capsules Alkozeron - universal fast remedy for the treatment of alcoholism. Designed for men and women. The application is safe for human health. Permitted use without a prescription ambulatory.

One of the advantages of the capsule - natural formulation. Active ingredients (extracts): the root of kudzu, milk Thistle, knapweed, wild thyme, St. John's wort.

The remedy was research and clinical trials. The overall results showed that capsules Alkozeron equally effective regardless of gender, race and age category.

Pay attention. Buy original capsules Alkozeron in Poland only through the official website of the manufacturer. Beware of imitations.

For the treatment of alcoholism - indications Alkozeron:

  • you find it difficult to relax without alcohol
  • never refuse offers to drink
  • drink in small doses, but every day
  • are in a permanent state of hangover
  • can't sleep until they drink.

Alcohol addiction can be the initial stage even without externally visible signs or be neglected and chronic. In each case, the admission of this tool will be effective. Statistics worldwide reports that at risk every third aged 21 to 45 years. First, alcohol unnoticed part of life under the pretext. This can be chronic fatigue, separation from wife or husband, easy and quick way to relax, have fun... But every day the desire to drink only increased, while alcohol consumption is becoming more and more.

!!If You or someone in Your family drink every day or addicted to every weekend to spend exclusively with the consumption of large quantities of alcohol, I can never refuse an offer or your own desire, you can go in two or three day or even longer binges, drink so much that the next day not remember what happened the day before... - all signs of alcohol dependence that requires treatment.

Instructions how to use Alkozeron - dosage, contraindications

how to take treatment for alcoholism Alkozeron

To use the tool is very easy - just drink the capsule with a glass of water (50-150 ml). A daily dosage in the treatment or two capsules. One capsule morning and evening for 7-30 days. The rate of application depends on severity of alcohol dependence.

The use of capsules Alkozeron allowed to prevent upon successful completion of the therapy. Dosage - one capsule per day, the length of treatment is three months. May repeat prophylactic course after the 30 day break.

There are no contraindications. Exception - individual intolerance to components, pregnancy and lactation. The capsules in consultation with your doctor if you have acute or temporary severe chronic disease.